Dear Partners,

We would like to inform that the transition to the production environment with the new versions of the Registry's services / applications which implement the new Regulation on Management and Assignment of .gr and .ελ Domain Names (Decision 1110/6/29-04-2024 of EETT) is scheduled for Sunday, August 25, 2024.

Specifically, the new versions of the Registry's services / applications include:

1) The technical changes brought about by the implementation of the new Regulation, mainly the new procedure for generating and making available authorization codes, are described in version 4.3 of the EPP protocol implementation guide which is available on the Registry's web testing environment ( at the link Documentation -> Registry System -> EPP.

2) The new WHOIS API (Application Programming Interface) implemented on top of the HTTPS protocol and the REST (Representational State Transfer) architectural style, which will replace the current WHOIS service provided to registrars. More information for the new WHOIS API is available on the Registry's web testing environment ( at the link Documentation -> Registry System -> WHOIS -> WHOIS RESTful API v1.0, provided that you have a user account with access rights to the WHOIS API. The existing WHOIS (plainWhois/plainDomainCheck) service will be obsoleted with the transition to the new WHOIS API.

We would like to remind you that new versions of the Registry's services / applications have been made available since June 19th, 2024 on our test-bed environment (UAT) (, Those Registrars with EPP and WHOIS client applications must promptly proceed with the necessary changes and testing of their systems to avoid encountering issues with the operation of their applications.

Monday, July 29, 2024

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