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Application Forms and other Documents
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5-FRIKTORIA Domain Name Request EL
FRIKTORIA Domain Name application form in Greek language
Dimensione file: 75.2 kB 5-EETT RequestEPP EL
EETT Request EPP code for a Domain Name in Greek Language
Dimensione file: 89 kB 5-EETT Abuse 8 / 693-9 / 2013 EL
5-EETT application for abuse according to article 8 of regulation Nr 693-9 / 2013 in Greek Language
Dimensione file: 61.2 kB
FRIKTORIA Domain Name application form in Greek language
Dimensione file: 75.2 kB 5-EETT RequestEPP EL
EETT Request EPP code for a Domain Name in Greek Language
Dimensione file: 89 kB 5-EETT Abuse 8 / 693-9 / 2013 EL
5-EETT application for abuse according to article 8 of regulation Nr 693-9 / 2013 in Greek Language
Dimensione file: 61.2 kB